
Quality service.
Just as your members
expect from you.

We ensure maximum uptime with quick repairs and fast equipment replacement. Our managed services attend to your needs, so you can focus on delivering a great experience to your members and guests.

Client Success Stories

Streamlined operations and connected multiple remote locations with wireless bridge solutions and provide fully managed service to golf course running ClubTec software.
Private Golf Course in NY
Lowered IT costs and improved service infrastructure with fully managed services. We saved the club $12,000 annually by replacing connectivity solution with on-property dark fiber.
Golf Club in NY State
"I highly recommend migrating to the cloud. For one, business continuity and the true test, would be a result of a power outage. The whole country, including Amazon Web Services, would have to go down for us to truly be affected." Continue reading.Continue reading
Woodway Country Club
Pat Premdas, CFO
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Private Club Experience

We offer unique services and solutions tailored for the club and hospitality business. We have developed specific tests that monitor major club management software solutions, such as Northstar and Jonas. We also stock spare equipment for quick repairs, ensuring you maximum up-time. Our sales staff are all HFTP members and would be happy to discuss your club specific requirements.

24x7 Managed Services

Our staff consists of dedicated engineers who understand the 24/7 weekend and holiday challenges you face each and every day. Our IT Sentinel capabilities ensure high performance and availability of your business’s technology:
  • Electronic monitoring of your workstations, servers, firewalls, etc.
  • Team of experienced professionals
  • Helpdesk support
  • Automation of key IT tasks
  • Customer portal to monitor support tickets, quotes, invoices, etc.
  • Co-managed services where we collaborate with your in-house IT staff to provide enhanced performance.

Are You Ready to Solve Your Hospitality IT Challenges?

Learn why private clubs and associations trust us to meet their IT needs.
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