Ransomware: Seven Lessons Learned

Experiencing a ransomware attack can be devastating. Unfortunately, they are becoming more common and businesses and institutions are risking that their data may be stolen or held for ransom. The average payout per organization attacked by ransomware rose from $6,000 in 2018 to $178,000 in 2020.  

Additionally, your business may incur damage to your size and strength, reputation, and client relationships. Unfortunately, 80% of organizations that paid a ransom were hit by a second attack within weeks of the first attack – almost half were hit by the same threat group.  

Cybercriminals are constantly inventing and creating fresh techniques to attack companies of different sizes. It is essential to stay on top of the most recent protection tools and best practices that will keep your business safe.  

In this white paper, we highlight our seven lessons learned from helping clients avoid or recover from cyberattacks.  

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