Tools for Working Remotely

We have the technology to enable remote employees to work safely and securely.

The COVID-19 pandemic made every business adjust to new ways of working. The employees in many industries started working remotely or in hybrid environments and may continue to do so.  Though we are fortunate to live in a time in which we can conduct business remotely, it does pose challenges. On top of issues with bandwidth and remote system access, cyber criminals are taking advantage of this new opportunity and targeting businesses and individuals everywhere.  

Below is a list of technology and enablement considerations for your organization to enable your team to work safely, securely and be productive.     
Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)   
With the increase of employees working remotely due to COVID-19, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is more important than ever. MFA is a technology used to enhanced user account security, where a password alone falls short. In a recent study conducted by Microsoft, MFA can prevent 99.9% of user account cyber-attacks. It is based on the principle of something you know (your username and password) and something you have (your cell phone or a security token). Users are first prompted to authenticate with their username and password, then the system validates the login request and prompts for additional authentication steps such as a pin code that is send via text to your phone.  
Endpoint Security (antivirus/malware, ransomware, etc.)   
If you have employees using home or personal computers rather than company issued computers, they may not be properly protected. This can leave your data or connected resources vulnerable to cyber-attacks from multiple vectors. Adding these users/machines to your company’s endpoint security program will ensure that the machines are covered, updated and managed, which helps to increase your odds against bad actors.   
Microsoft Windows 7 End of Support   
As you know Windows 7 has come to its end of life and surely you were diligently upgrading or replacing as many systems as possible prior to this crisis and office spaces being shut down. This situation now makes it very difficult to continue that process, which leaves many systems vulnerable to virus and malware. As a stop gap, Microsoft has released an “Extended Support License” that will allow critical patches to Windows 7 for a few more months. This is strongly encouraged by Flagship as it will buy some time to get your remaining machines replaced or upgraded when the world returns to normal.   
Firewall Upgrade   
The firewalls in place at most small and medium sized businesses were probably not sized to deal with the volume of remote access requests that are now being asked of them. If your remote users are noticing slow performance, an upgrade of the firewall device to a model better suited to handle ALL of your users coming in from the outside may be in order.   
Dedicated Remote Access Device   
For those companies that have complex requirements for remote access control and configurability we can recommend purpose-built remote access devices in addition to your firewall to handle your remote access users. These devices can put granular restrictions on who, what, when and where users or machines can connect to your internal environment. This type of control and reporting greatly increases your IT security profile.   
Remote Access Reporting   
Monitoring and managing when people are connecting to your environment remotely is a key factor in managing your team while they are working away from the office. Flagship can provide multiple reports showing this access, as well as general usage which can help to determine if your internet connection or firewall is not keeping up with demand.   
Phishing Education   
Whenever a crisis hits, phishing attacks are sure to follow, trying to take advantage of users when they are most vulnerable. Fortifying your employee’s knowledge of how phishing attacks work and how to detect them are the number one defense against your company becoming compromised.   
Flagship Networks provides IT consulting and managed services to help businesses of all sizes, rising above challenges, and finding solutions. If you are interested in learning more about any of these solutions or any IT challenges, request a consultation below.  

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