Agile, Secure & Responsive IT Environments

Are These Top Insider Threats Lurking Behind Your Doors?

Many business owners and IT professionals focus on protecting their organizations from external threats, such as the lone hacker out for a large ransom or organized cyber-criminals with sophisticate phishing schemes, etc. But what about internal threats? Internal risks are every bit as dangerous and damaging as the external ones, even if there is not malicious intent.

The recent Insider Data Breach Survey found that 60% of executives felt employees who made mistakes while rushing to complete tasks were the primary cause of internal breaches. Another 44% pointed to a lack of general awareness as the second most common reason, and 36% cited inadequate training for their organization’s security tools as a close third.

To drive home the full harm of insider threats, we’ve compiled five actual case studies of internal actors who’ve wreaked financial and reputation damage when they got careless, or abused their knowledge and positions for personal gain.

Download the report to read these case studies and how to prevent internal threats.

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